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What is Anti-Aging or Longevity?

The desire among people to live very long (ageless) and healthy lives is universal and is amply reflected throughout human history including ancient literature like the Epic of Gilgamesh. To slow aging and undo its effects on the body inspired the creation of various fables and legends, as well as the activities of innumerable faith healers, and alchemists over many millennia, but remained “wishful thinking” in the absence of ways to elucidate how organs, tissues and cells work, age and die. The tools and methods needed to probe and reveal the systems, mechanisms, genetic and extra-genetic influences, and so much more that influence aging and longevity now exist in profusion and are rapidly being refined, honed and expanded. Thanks to the knowledge and insights this has afforded us the “management” of aging (anti-aging) and longevity (life extension) has moved from speculation and theory to hands-on application.

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The Quick and Easy Science of Anti-Aging

In simplest terms anti-aging and longevity science refers to technologies and forms of therapeutic intervention including diet, supplements and nutraceuticals, specific drugs, hormones, exercise, meditation, intravenous therapy, cellular reprogramming, elimination of senescent (aged-inactive) cells, and so much more, which can extend both the healthspan (e.g., delay and even totally prevent the onset of age-related aches, pains and diseases) and lifespan of those people.

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The Convergence Medicine Approach

“Convergence medicine” refers to the use of complementary technologies, practices and methods from a wide variety of healing arts disciplines to bring about optimal healing, regeneration, rejuvenation, anti-aging and more. The term itself was coined by Dr. Herskowitz in 2011 to reflect a powerful realization: namely that various medical and energy practices could be effectively combined into one cohesive, customized strategic approach to effecting recovery, repair, and more in individuals. By zeroing in on and utilizing the most effective methods and tools from Molecular and Functional Medicine, Nutrition and Metabolism, Physical Medicine and Energy Medicine, a layered, integrated marriage of ancient and modern forms of medicine emerges that can be customized to each individual’s innate constitution (something we call “Archetypal Medicine”), something which enables us to accurately anticipate how an individual will respond to different types of intervention.

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All statements and opinions provided are for educational and informational purposes, not for medical diagnosis. As with all medical treatments and procedures, results may vary on an individual basis. Anatara Prime follows all FDA guidelines related to the treatments provided. You are encouraged to consult with your primary care provider before undergoing any treatment programs offered by Anatara Prime.


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Contact Us

To learn more about our treatments or schedule an appointment, fill out our form or call us at 1-888-453-6825. NOTE: your information will remain private and secure.


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