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Anatara Prime World-Class Diagnostic and Evaluative Tests

Testing is a necessary step in the process. It gives us a snapshot of your current health status with physical, mental, and oral health and will find issues or concerns that may need addressing, and it will give us the best course of action to take. Throughout the process, testing will allow us to observe changes and make adjustments to your plan to provide you with the best outcomes.


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There are two ways to be tested: at Anatara or in your home.

In-Home Testing
The in-home test is a viable alternative to traditional in-office blood draws and involves a lab service sending a tech to your home, who then collects the single blood drop specimen per our instructions. Once the sample is analyzed and the results are in, the Anatara Prime team will begin the consultative process. Click to order a test.


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What Are the Tests?

Of the 1,000+ data points we measure, we focus on those that are predictive of positive health outcomes. These are called “predictive biomarkers”. To establish the root cause of your condition, our practitioners typically recommend a number of in-depth and sensitive tests. We target the most important, yet fundamental systems in the body, which many standard-of-care practitioners and clinics may be unaware of or overlook. The use of sophisticated biomarkers at our center includes genomics, measures of immune function, neurochemical function, basic cell repair functions, and measures of metabolism and detoxification.

Some examples of our sophisticated testing include:


  • Telomeres are repeat segments of DNA that sit at the end of chromosomes. There are in fact 4 telomeres for each of the 46 chromosomes in all the cells in your body. When most cells divide the telomeres shrink until, after about 50 divisions referred to as the Hayflick limit, they either no longer divide at all, or die. One way to gauge the age of a cell is to look at its telomeres. Anatara Prime utilizes a specialized test that includes a statistical analysis of the results obtained from test specimens to help assess your biological age.
  • Another test we can run assesses your methylation status. In your body methylation is a vital process in which four atoms — one carbon atom and three hydrogen atoms (CH3) – are transferred from one substance to another. This process is essential to the creation of DNA and RNA and regulates gene expression. It is also involved in basic energy production, fat metabolism, immune functioning, cell membrane repair and vascular health. Methylation is also a critical player in the production and breakdown of neurotransmitters which helps regulate mood, as well as hormone production & activity.

Autoimmune (Panda/pans – children)

  • When a disease-causing virus or bacteria invades the human body, the immune system mounts an attack on it. Unfortunately, in some cases healthy cells and tissues get caught up in the immune system response resulting in an autoimmune condition or disease. When a streptococcal (“strep”) infection occurs in some children it can trigger PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder) which causes behavioral issues. Another is PANS (Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome). Anatara Prime utilizes a test panel that provides its medical team with the kind of data that will either buttress or refute conclusions they may have reached based primarily on symptoms. In short, it helps more accurately diagnosis neuropsychiatric conditions caused by autoimmune activity vs. those that do not involve autoimmunity. In addition, medical team members can track and gauge treatment responses by repeating the autoimmune panel at various times during the course of care.


  • Blood Spot Testing: This test is a viable alternative to traditional in-office blood draws and involves a lab service Anatara Prime works with sending a tech to your home, who then collects the single blood drop specimen per Anatara Prime’s instructions. Once the sample is analyzed and the results are in the Anatara Prime team will begin the consultative process. Your only obligation is to let a tech into your home and sign a form.
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    Single blood drop specimens reveal health-related information such as the level of thyroid, insulin, vitamin D, blood lipids including cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, VLDL, and HDL, PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen in men), minerals like magnesium and heavy (toxic) metals like lead, and more in your body. It also reveals the level of hormones like testosterone, cortisol (adrenal hormone), DHEAS (Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, an endogenous steroid that is produced by the adrenal glands), as well as estrogen and progesterone (women).
  • Therapeutic Drug Response Test: In the original Star Trek TV show the starship Enterprise’s head MD, Dr. Leonard McCoy, diagnosed and detected injuries, tumors and such using a handheld electronic scanning device referred to as a Tricorder. He also used it to determine how well a patient was healing up after a course of treatment or therapy. While this kind of device is not a reality yet, Anatara Prime uses a test, called the Therapeutic Drug Response Test, which predicts how a patient will respond to scores of drugs based on variations in his or her genetic code. For instance, if a patient needs to go on a blood thinner the Therapeutic Drug Response Test will reveal which blood thinners will work and which will not, as well as which one is most likely to give the desired results. In short, it takes the guesswork out of prescribing!
  • Deep DNA Analysis: Many centuries ago, physicians assessed a person’s risk of developing a specific condition based on their own experience and the few diagnostic tools that were available. Today we have the Biocentaur test in which a patient’s DNA is analyzed in a state-of-the-art molecular biology lab. The variations in the genetic code are analyzed to reveal those linked to specific medical conditions and diseases, as well as to help predict which drugs or other healing and remediative compounds the individual is most likely to respond to in desired ways.

Cancer Screening

  • Oncospect: One way that cancer gives itself away is by producing chemical signatures or biomarkers that can be detected in a patient’s blood. Anatara Prime uses Oncospect’s liquid biopsy to screen blood samples for the presence of those cancer are clinically actionable based on clinical treatment guidelines listed by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN).
  • Colospect: To screen for colon cancer Anatara Prime utilizes Colospect test which detects colon cancer associated DNA markers as well as the presence of occult hemoglobin in human stool. This particular test is indicated for screening adults of either sex, 45 years or older, who are at a typical average risk for developing colorectal cancer. It is not for high-risk individuals including those with a personal history of colorectal cancer and benign growths (adenomas).
  • Cancer DNA Detection Test: Another sophisticated blood test that is designed to use DNA data to detect breast, liver, lung, and colorectal cancer while still at early stage. Current cancer screening options rarely detect cancerous growths before they reach 2 cm in size, and by then, cancer has already grown to Stage 2, which is much harder to treat and eliminate.
  • OncoEnzyme: A simple blood test looks at an enzyme that is appears in the earliest stages of cancer and which plays a role in suppressing the immune system which allowing cancer cells to divide and grow. Proponents content that measuring this enzyme is an accurate early cancer detection method, and commonly we use this with other tests.
  • Cancer Liquid Biopsy: The Cancer Liquid Biopsy involves taking a simple blood sample, which is then analyzed to detect circulating tumor cells and cancer-related DNA. This affords Anatara Prime Team members the ability to identify and diagnose certain forms of cancer, as well as to keep tabs on tumor progression.

Cardio/Cardiac Screening

  • East Coast Heart: Anatara Prime Team members assess current cardiovascular issues as well as family histories for cardiovascular disease. Testing for inflammation (4 biomarkers which, is to say chemical signatures), the blood clotting protein fibrinogen, an enzyme (MPO) produced by white blood cells in the artery walls, the 5 types of HDL (“good cholesterol”), genetic testing to gage how well an individual will respond to statin medications, and much more.
  • Swiss Cardiac: Another test looks at nutritional medicine to determine a patient’s overall nutritional status. This information is used to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). It specifically reveals key nutritionally modifiable risk factors for CVD such as fasting insulin, fatty acids, vitamins D & E, EPA & DHA levels, red blood cell magnesium levels, fibrinogen, homocysteine, coenzyme Q10 and antioxidant deficiencies.

Food Sensitivity

  • Food Sensitivity Array 10: We use a highly sophisticated food compounds sensitivity test that is unique in that it tests for reactions to a wide variety of components in foods. For example, one array tests for reactivity to gluten (a protein in wheat) but goes far beyond standard gluten sensitivity tests by gaging sensitivity to the many different gluten and nongluten compounds in wheat.
  • Elisa Plus: The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Elisa) is a lab assay used to detect and quantify the levels of various antibodies, antigens, proteins and glycoproteins in biological samples. It is a powerful and accurate way to diagnose that assist the Anatara Prime Team in determining and addressing the hidden causes of many common health concerns. In terms of food sensitivities, one of the tests can determine delayed sensitivity reactions by looking at reactive antibodies (IgA, IgM, and IgG), various immune complexes, and T-cell direct activation.

Gastrointestinal (GI tract)

  • Omni-GI: About 70% of the immune cells are found in the gut you’re your gut health is critical. We use unique and powerful tools for comprehensive stool testing. It picks up and amplifies the presence of DNA molecules from parasites, bacteria, fungi, and more using polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) technology. It enables Anatara Prime team members to gage the presence of disease-causing microorganisms in a patient’s stool sample.
  • Deep GI Analysis: We can run stool profiles is a group of advanced stool tests that reveals a wealth of information about a patient’s digestive health including the microbiome (microorganism community in the gut), maldigestion, dysbiosis, metabolite imbalances, infections and any inflammation that is present. The Anatara Prime team uses this body of facts to customize clinical intervention that maximizes GI tract functioning and health.


  • Full-Spectrum Genomic Analysis: We offer genomic and ancestry testing that is a very reliable way in which to sequence a patient’s full genome. It also makes available powerful online genome exploration tools and a deep analysis of ancestry (Based in part on full Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA sequencing and analysis). When prescribed by Anatara Prime team members the results are used in conjunction with other (often nongenetic) tests to help determine forms of intervention that complement as opposed to conflict with a patient’s genetic predispositions and variations.
  • AccuGenomic: We offer a test to reveal the exact chemical make-up of a patient’s genes. This particular test was developed by a Harvard-trained physician and researcher and his remarkable scientific team.
    The human body has about 25,000 genes which are in turn made up of approximately 3 billion building blocks called nucleotides. When genes are active (upregulated) they direct the creation of proteins that influence many aspects of our appearance, health, and wellbeing, including how well we handle inflammation and injuries, and which nutrients we need more or less of to thrive. Because many nucleotides in each of us vary, and some of these variations can impact our health and even our longevity, it is important to map them out and analyze them. The AccuGenomic test and software enables the Anatara Prime medical team to scrutinize these variations and reach decisions about which dietary, pharmaceutical, herbal or other forms of intervention will offset or negate unhealthy ones, and which will enhance or otherwise modify others in ways conducive to good health, recovery from injury or disease, and longevity.

Heavy Metals

  • Complete Heavy Metal Assay: Heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminum, and arsenic are toxic and interfere with the healthy functioning of our bodies. Our heavy metals screening tests can take a patient’s urine sample and identifies and quantifies the levels of heavy metals present. If one or more of these toxic elements exists at levels inimical to good health, Anatara Prime team members introduce measures to chelate (harmlessly remove) them from the patient’s body.
  • Enviro-Toxins Assay: We can test for 173 different environmental pollutants, all from a single urine sample, using advanced mass spectrometry. This sophisticated lab technology enables the detection of even very low levels of certain genetic, mitochondrial, and toxic chemical markers (Something conventional mass spectrometry often misses).
  • O/I Mercury Test: We have a test that can determine and quantify a patient’s exposure to inorganic and methyl mercury. Armed with this knowledge Anatara Prime team members can then introduce measures to eliminate these toxins.


  • IC Hormone Assay: When Anatara Prime team members suspects that a patient’s health challenges are due to or complicated by elevated or depressed insulin-adrenal hormone (cortisol) levels, they can assess this by obtaining 24 hours’ worth of saliva samples (e.g., upon waking up, mid-morning, afternoon, evening, night, etc.) and sending it to a specialized lab. This firm We can analyze the samples to gage these hormones under real life conditions which Anatara Prime team members then use to formulate a regimen or course of treatment to bring these hormones into balance.
  • HRT Complete: For those that are on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) monitoring the levels and effects are essential. With HRT Complete, we use precision analytical test involves taking dried urine samples made at home (or in an office) over a 24-hour period and shipping them off to a lab for hormone levels analysis. This approach gives Anatara Prime team members a very accurate, reliable way to monitor oral progesterone and vaginal hormone levels.
  • Cortisol Plus Test: We have an advanced method of hormone assessment that measures not just sex hormones and their metabolites, but also overall diurnal rises and falls in free cortisol, as well as the distribution of cortisol metabolites (Cortisol levels upon awakening is especially good for revealing unusual rises in this crucial adrenal hormone, as well as low levels which might be due to psychological burnout, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), sleep apnea or poor sleep in general, PTSD, chronic fatigue, chronic pain, systemic hypertension, functional GI diseases, postpartum depression, and autoimmune diseases).
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    The Cortisol Plus Test uses four dried urine samples and five saliva samples. These samples are collected over the course of one day, from waking to bed time. The report generated can include valuable data such as: Metabolites of Estrogens (10, including E1, E2, E3, 2-OHE1, 4-OH-E1, 2-OH-E2, 4-OH-E2, 16-OH-E1, 2-methoxy-E1, 2-methoxy-E2), Androgens (8, including Testosterone, DHT and DHEA-S), Progesterone (2), Cortisol (3), Melatonin (6OHMS), 8-OHdG, and OATs (6). The diurnal pattern of Free Cortisol and Cortisone are also provided, including the Cortisol Awakening Response.
  • Full-Spectrum Hormone Testing (FSHT): FSHT provides Anatara Prime team members with an accurate report that quantifies the levels of multiple hormones circulating in a patient. The test involves a patient collecting their urine over a 24-hour period which is then shipped off to a lab for analysis. The hormones assayed include:
    • Estrone (E1)
    • 2-Hydroxy-estrone (2OH-E1)
    • 16α-Hydroxy-estrone (16OH-E1)
    • 4-Hydroxy-estrone (4OH-E1)
    • 2-Methoxy-estrone (2MeOH)
    • 4-Methoxy-estrone (4MeOH)
    • Estradiol (E2)
    • Estriol (E3)
    • Testosterone
    • Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)*
    • Androstanediol (5αAD3α17β)
    • Androstenedione
    • Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
    • 17-keto-DHEA
    • Androstenetriol (5-AT)
    • Androsterone (AN)
    • 11β-hydroxy-Androsterone (11βΟΗ−ΑΝ)
    • Etiocholanolone (ET)
    • 11β-hydroxy-Etiocholanolone (11βΟΗ−ΕΤ)
    • Progesterone
    • Pregnanediol (PD)
    • 5-pregnene-3β,17α,20α-triol (5-PT)
    • Cortisone (E)
    • Tetrahydrocortisone (THE)
    • Tetrahydrocorticosterone (THB)
    • 5α-Tetrahydrocorticosterone (5α-THB)
    • Tetrahydro-11-dehydrocorticosterone (THA)
    • Cortisol (F)
    • Tetrahydrocortisol (THF)
    • 5α-Tetrahydrocortisol (5αTHF)

    The Thyroid Evaluation Test Includes, i.e.:

    • Free T3 (Triiodothyronine), Urine
    • Free T4 (Thyroxine), Urine

    The maker also has available tests for Aldosterone and Human Growth Hormone (HGH)
    * Male Only

Lyme Disease and Co-Infectors

  • Lyme Immune Response Test: When an individual contracts Lyme disease their body may not produce antibodies that reach detectable levels via conventional testing for weeks after the initial infection. Those people with a compromised immune system may not produce antibodies to the Lyme causing microorganism at all. We address this shortfall in testing by doing CDC-recommended two-tier tests to screen patients for Lyme disease. This includes testing for antigen specific T-cells. Not only do these cells reveal a Lyme disease infection but make it possible to retest at various points-in-time to gage disease stage and response to treatment.
  • Lyme Organism Test: We offer Lyme disease panel tests for four different genes that are found in Borrelia burgdorferi, the cause of most cases of Lyme disease in the United States. It also tests for ten common Lyme disease co-infectors and other organisms including Borrelia recurrentis, Borrelia miyamotoi, Babesia microti, Babesia divergens, Babesia duncani, Bartonella bacilliformis, Ehrlichia chaffensis, Bartonella henselae, Bartonella quintana, and Anaplasma phagocytophilum. The detection of Lyme co-infectors indicates likely infection with the Lyme disease causing microorganism as well.

Microbiology (Bacteria, Fungi, Molds)

  • Fluorescent DNA Stain Test: When a disease-causing microbe or a colony of microorganisms (biofilm) is suspected of causing a patient’s symptoms, an Anatara Prime team member will take a blood sample for testing. These tests involve exposing the blood sample to a highly specific fluorescent DNA dye. This dye infiltrates microorganisms and makes them visible under a florescent microscope. As an added measure, if nothing unusual is detected, a special enrichment test is done that gets any infections or biofilm structures that are present to expand in numbers and by so doing make themselves known to the testing lab’s microbiologists.
  • Florescent Fungi & DNA Stain: When a patient has a suspected fungal infection in their body, Anatara Prime team members can use a method using two fluorescent stains to simultaneously highlight DNA positive material in addition to potential fungal structures. These strains attach to and reveal fungal molecules as well as many non-fungal organisms under a florescent microscope.
  • Omni Bacterial Test: Sometimes determining the bacterial culprit behind an infection requires some sophisticated laboratory detective work. One of the better methods is a highly sophisticated test DNA common to bacteria is detected and multiplied. The DNA is then sequenced and compared to all bacteria DNA contained in a massive database.
  • Omni Protozoa/Fungi Test: When an Anatara Prime patient is suspected of having a nonbacterial infection but the microorganism culprit is not readily identifiable, AP team members send a blood, tissue or urine sample for testing using its Omni Protozoa/Fungi Test DNA analysis method. As part of this assay DNA common to fungi, protozoa, amoeba, and algae (not bacteria or viruses is detected and multiplied. The DNA is then sequenced and compared to all fungi and protozoa published in a massive database.
  • When an individual is suffering fatigue or other symptoms linked to the activity of MARCoNS (Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Coagulase Negative Staphylococci) embedded deep in their sinuses, am Anatara Prime team member will obtain a nasal swap specimen for examination in the lab. Most often people with a MARCoNS infection also have a low level of MSH (Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone). Many sufferers have bene diagnosed previously with a Biotoxin Illness and other chronic inflammatory illnesses like CIRS (Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome) and CFIDS (Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome).
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    The infection and reduced MSH increases the level of circulating inflammatory cytokines, and lowers T-reg cells which results in Chronic Fatigue symptoms of body aches and debilitating exhaustion. The MARCoNS bacteria also produce and express chemicals into the blood and brain (exotoxins A and B) that increase inflammation break-up MSH which results in a further decrease in it, which in turn creates more inflammation.
  • Myco-Mold Test: We can order a mold test was developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development (ORD) and involves collecting samples of settled dust in offices, homes and buildings and then analyzing them to determine the presence and quantity of 36 mold spores and particles.
  • Fungal & Mold Toxins Test: Molds and fungi produce toxic molecules called mycotoxins which are one of the most prevalent environmental contaminants (See below). We have a very sensitive and accurate test for determining the presence of different mycotoxins from 40 species of mold in people.
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    The Fungal & Mold Toxins Test panel tests for 15 of the most toxic mycotoxins produced by indoor molds including Ochratoxin A, Aflatoxin Group (B1, B2, G1, G2), Trichothecene Group (Satratoxin G, Satratoxin H, Isosatratoxin F, Roridin A, E, H, L-2, Verrucarin A, Verrucarin J), and Gliotoxin derivative.


  • Comprehensive Nutritional Status Test: We can perform a nutritional status test using a blood and urine sample, we can measure 40 amino acids, nutrient and toxic elements, coenzyme Q10 plus vitamins, DNA /oxidative stress markers, vitamin D, fatty acids and organic acids. A profile report is generated that is easy to interpret and helps Anatara Prime team members determine whether a patient would likely benefit from a specific form of dietary or supplement intervention.
  • Organic Acids Test: The microorganisms in the human GI tract (microbiome) produce a plethora of biomarkers which give an indication of overall health. One of the tests we perform detects and quantifies up to 76 metabolic (microbiome generated) biomarkers. When levels of some bacteria or yeast (fungi) are high the metabolites they churn out can cause or worsen behavior disorders, hyperactivity, movement disorders, fatigue and immune function. Many people with chronic illnesses and neurological disorders have been found to excrete several abnormal organic acids in their urine. The causes of this include oral antibiotic use, high sugar consumption, immune deficiencies, acquired infections, as well as genetic factors.

MRI Imaging

For those who are committed to living a long, healthy life, early detection of medical issues is critical. Unfortunately, many screening tests wind up being “a day late and a dollar short”. One example of this: in the US many tests and imaging scans pick-up cancer in its advanced stages as opposed to its earliest ones. As a result, treatment begins after the cancer has grown and even spread which can have tragic consequences.

One form of imaging that doctors rely on is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) which involves the use of magnetic fields and radio waves to create images of the body’s interior. Cell and tissue damaging ionizing radiation is not used, as is the case with x-rays and computed tomography (CT) scans.

If there is a drawback to MRIs it is the fact most do not generate the number of images or resolution needed to give totally accurate results. The whole body & brain MRI we recommend on the other hand captures up to ten (10) times more images with a higher resolution than standard MRIs. When these images are processed by its powerful software the end result are scans that are superior to those produced all other MRI systems on the market. This MRI involves proprietary AI and machinery, that does not need a dye, and does not emit radiation!

The fact Anatara Prime’s recommended whole-body scan screens for 362 conditions, such as tumors and aneurysms, in their early stages, underscores its value in helping health conscious people detect evolving medical challenges early on when intervention is most likely to have its greatest positive impact.


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All statements and opinions provided are for educational and informational purposes, not for medical diagnosis. As with all medical treatments and procedures, results may vary on an individual basis. Anatara Prime follows all FDA guidelines related to the treatments provided. You are encouraged to consult with your primary care provider before undergoing any treatment programs offered by Anatara Prime.


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To learn more about our treatments or schedule an appointment, fill out our form or call us at 1-888-453-6825. NOTE: your information will remain private and secure.


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