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The upmost important thing acupuncture will be doing for most of our patients is to help prepare their mind and body for their therapies. Acupuncture at our center is also used to manage symptoms of the patient. It can treat anything from body pain, stomach aches, diarrhea, constipation, numbness, balance, insomnia, tremors, neuropathy, and circulation.

During stem cells procedures acupuncture again helps prepare the body and mind to accept the stem cells, and help target their voyage through the body. On the initial stem cell treatment the acupuncture will also help target and guide the stem cells to their wanted locations. After the initial stem cells treatment a series of acupuncture on a weekly to biweekly basis will help the stem cells establish themselves and mature to their full potential.

Acupuncture helps with the detoxing the liver and kidneys. It is also great for a patient who is getting heat or rash from a medication or food.


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All statements and opinions provided are for educational and informational purposes, not for medical diagnosis. As with all medical treatments and procedures, results may vary on an individual basis. Anatara Prime follows all FDA guidelines related to the treatments provided. You are encouraged to consult with your primary care provider before undergoing any treatment programs offered by Anatara Prime.


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Contact Us

To learn more about our treatments or schedule an appointment, fill out our form or call us at 1-888-453-6825. NOTE: your information will remain private and secure.


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